Recursion for Repetitive algorithms

Recursion is mainly used when you have to repeat a procedure several times. In order to do so, you call a function insde itself… Wuuuuut? Yep, that’s possible. And done. 😀 For more information you could use the following Blog (it’s  a Ken’s course XD) MASTERY 21 Use of recursion for repetitive algorithms 😀

Creation and use of strings

Creating strings is the easiest thing in Python… You just do the following: kitchen = «Food» Done… Yep, you already have created a string 😀 But there are more uses like This code is to print the hole string, count how many elements does that string have and take a single element of it. Here,…

While Loops

While loops are pretty simple. As you can see in the previous image, that’s actually how a while loop is made… Yep it is really that simple; however, you got to be very careful when you do it, because if you don’t indicate how to end  the program, it will run forever. That’s why I…

Else and Elif

As we saw before the «If» is very useful in the art of programming, but there is another part of the «If» which are the ones that make the code even mor accurate, because when one of the option is not the correct we can choose what to do when the second outcome occurrs. If…


The conditional if isn’t something that I haven’t explained before; However, here it goes again. The if conditional is basically used to make a code more than ready when it confronts 2 or more different situations. It is helpful when you can have different outcomes in the same code, it could be either beacuse of…


In the programming world there is a lot of situations that could make your code to don’t know what to do… that’s why we nest in the code. Nesting is puting a lot of conditional in one single code so the code can respond in more efficient way. Here, have an example: (This example is…

For Loops

I haven’t blog on a while, so I may be rusty in some skills; however, I still need to work so for now I’m gonna show how the For Loops are made. It isn’t really that complicated… Actually it’s really simple. You state that you are about to use «for», then add a variable to…