Prepare for trouble and make it double pt.2

This blog is made with Juan Montero and Daniel Arrieta #TC101 🙂 When you are in trouble trying to make a function in Python you can use the libraries and the modules 😀 Because when there are important functions in Python requiring a different variable, requiring a already installed library in Python. You can use the…

Comments and Input

Whaaaaaat? second entry already? Well I’m Batman so I can do as I please. Let me show you how comments and Inputs can be used in Python. The only thing you need to know is how to put «#» in your keyboard as simple as that; then you can write whatever you want in that…

First steps

After several days of not blogging I finally have the courage to do it, the first classes I had no idea what the hell I was doing… So I just checked the course main page to see what others had done so far. After a while I concluded that I should probably post the first…